Hello Online Beauty Bosses!
If you’re new to selling Avon Online I know it can get super overwhelming so I thought it might be helpful to go over the first few steps on getting started with Avon Online Sales
Watch This Video for complete details on:
5 Easy Steps To Get Started With Online Sales For Avon Reps
This video has been edited from a previous Facebook Live over at the OnlineBeautyBosses facebook Group.
In the UNITS Section of the Online Beauty Bosses Group you’ll find lots of tips and ideas on things you can do to help build your online presence to increase your online sales but without any direction where to start it can seem like information overload. So in this “How-To” we’ll break it all down to help you get started. These steps are the first of many tasks, but to start, if you follow through on these 5 steps you’ll be much further then you were before and have a much better chance of getting online sales.
Let’s Get Started! You’re just 5 Steps away from increasing your Avon eStore Sales!
Make sure to watch the above video for full explanation & details about the following steps below.
STEP 1 : Personalize Your Avon eStore

When potential customers visit your online store do they see your smiling face front and center? Customers want to know who they are shopping with. When they see your picture it makes a connection. You also want to stand out and be the face behind your Avon eStore which can also build trust.
Here are some things you can do to personalize your online store.
- Image - Upload a good image of Yourself
- Content – Replace Avon’s generic content with your own welcoming your customers.
- Video – For a more personal touch create & post a video message for your customers.
- eStore Address - Make the URL shorter and easier to remember
STEP 2 : Add your eStore Address to all your printed materials

Now this may seem obvious but it has to be mentioned especially for the newer Avon Reps out there. Your eStore address should be included on all your offline printed materials.
This includes your:
- Business Cards, Flyers & Order Forms
Everything should have your eStore web address and if possible include the Avon promo code. - Brochures
Include your web address on all your brochure labels and use cover stickers with the Avon Coupon Code.
UPDATE May 2020: The WELCOME10 promo code is NO longer available but the concept remains the same with any other promo you would like to offer. To create Avon Promos you can use the New Avon Promo Tool found over at your Avon Now Dashboard to create offers for new and current customers
Download Your Free Custom Labels & Flyers!
STEP 3 : Announce to everyone your online store is open for business using Text, Email, & Social Media

- Emails & Text
- Send out emails or texts and include an image of your Avon Brochure along with the link to your Online Brochure. (see Resource #1 )
- Include an image of the Daily Care Collection with link to the Daily Care product page.
- Always include your eStore address in your Email Signature.
- Social Media
- Add Your eStore Address to your Facebook profile & pages as well as all your other social media accounts.
- Post an image of your Avon Brochure along with the link to your online eBrochure every campaign.
How To Add Your Avon eStore To Facebook
RESOURCE #2: (this post is a little outdated but the concepts shared remain the same)
How to Promote Your Avon eBrochure Online! [PART 1] [PART 2]
STEP 4 : Start Building Your Email Contact List

Get customer contact info every time a brochure is passed out or a customer inquires about your services.
- Add their info to your Avon Address Book over at your Avon Web Office (Dashboard)
- Add Customer Contact Info to your Personal Contact list
- Email your list consistently. Follow up at the beginning and end of each campaign and whenever there is an Avon promo code or special offer available (see resource).
STEP 5 : Create Your FREE Google My Business Account

Creating a Google Listing will help people in your area who you don’t know find you. (see resoure)
- Bringing in new customers every campaign will grow your business.
- Update your Google listing often with, new campaign sales, special offers & videos to stay relevant.
Bonus STEP : Encourage Offline customers to get online.
- Show offline customers how to shop online.
- Set up an Online Account for your offline customers over at your eStore.
- Offer to place an online order for them on the spot or offer to place the order for them whenever they call to place an order.
Resource: How To Help Avon Customers Get Started Online
Now as mentioned when these steps are all put together they can increase your chances to get more online sales. Just keep in mind growing your online sales is a process and the more you do to promote your Avon eStore the more exposure you’ll get, just as with offline sales.
Ok, Online Beauty Bosses, I hope this helps point you in the right direction, if you have questions please leave your comments in the Online Beauty Bosses Facebook Group for further discussion.

If you found these tips helpful feel free to Comment, Like, and Share with other Avon Reps who might find this helpful.
© Copyright Online Beauty Bosses - Dianne Hernandez. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files or images may be republished to any website, blog, eBook etc. without prior written permission. Please feel free to share with other Avon Representatives, or Avon Employees on Social Media so long as the content is complete, not edited, and the Online Beauty Bosses logo and contact information has not been altered, and source is referenced.