Hello Online Beauty Bosses!
In Part One of our How to Promote Your Avon eBrochure Online we talked about:
· How to get the link to your Online Brochure
· How to grab images of Your Avon Catalog
· And Tips on how to create your own Avon Catalog Images
Now in Part Two, we put it all together and talk about how you can start promoting your eBrochure to get the word out there to bring in more customers to your Avon eStore.
Assuming you read Part One and you now have your links and images created, you’re ready to go! Now it’s time to start promoting your eBrochure and sharing with the world there’s a brand new catalog to see!
Here are some ways you can promote your eBrochure to get the word out. . .
Promote Your Avon eBrochure Every Campaign

Make it a habit to promote your eBrochure online every campaign! This will take some planning and creative time getting your images, links and content ready but as you become more consistent it will get easier.
Send Out an Email To All Your Customers

At the beginning of each new campaign, send out a personal email or text to ALL your customers, offline and online, to let them know the new brochure is out.
Include an image of the catalog and the link to your eBrochure, or a link to a blog post or Facebook Note, where you personally go over the highlights for that brochure. Also include the campaign dates and the last day to place their online order.
Do this consistently and your customers will start expecting to hear from you every campaign with info about the new brochure, just as they would offline. It will also help them get used to viewing the catalog online.

Now I feel I have to mention this method because this is one of the many ways to share your Avon eBrochure.
But I realize many of you may not have a blog and that’s ok because blogging is a bit advanced and if you’re new to social media or just starting to build your online presence, creating a blog can be very overwhelming!
So don’t worry if you don’t have a blog. You can skip this method and move onto the next section where you’ll find an alternative.
With that said, for those of you who DO have a blog creating, highlights of the brochure on a blog post for every campaign with an image of the current catalog linking to your eBrochure over at your Avon eStore, is a great way to get the word out.
Using Facebook Notes: The next best thing to blogging!

For those of you who DON’T have a blog, using the Notes feature in Facebook (like I’m using for this article) is a great way to highlight your current eBrochure. Facebook notes is just like having a blog but it’s on Facebook! You can add images & video as well as add links and headlines.
To start you can share what’s new in the current catalog, go over the great sales or both! Make sure to include your brochure image and the link to your Avon eBrochure.
Public Facebook Notes are sharable so if you copy the Note’s URL (aka: Web Address) you can share it in your emails as well as other Social Media platforms.
For more info on How to use Facebook Notes check out the article over at the Online Beauty Bosses page, “ How to Use Facebook As Your Avon Blog! ” .
How About A Video To Promote Your Avon eBrochure?

Video is another great way to share you eBrochure and will add a whole other level of personal to your social media! You can talk about all the great sales, new and featured products found within the current catalog, whatever you can think of!
And if you decide to make a video, including the video onto your Avon Catalog blog post or Facebook Notes is a great way to make your content even more personable and engaging.
For tips on creating video check out the article over at the Online Beauty Bosses page, “How To Add Your Own Video To Your Avon eStore”
What To Say When Talking About Your Avon Catalog

Whether you decide to write a blog post, Facebook Note or even make a video, here are some things you can touch on when talking about your Avon Catalog:
Go through your Avon What’s New demo flyer for ideas and product info to help get the ideas flowing. As you get used to writing regularly about your current Avon Catalog it will get easier and easier.
And here’s another tip: Whatever you write in your blog or Facebook Note, you can use it as a script to share on video!
Sharing Your eBrochure on Social Media

Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media site all the methods mentioned above and in our Part 1 “How To” can also be shared onto your Social Media accounts.
Whether it’s posting a brochure image with the link to your eBrochure, a video, or sharing the link to your blog or Facebook Notes with an invitation to check out your campaign highlights, now you have unique content promoting your eBrochure.
I know we covered a lot here today and it may be a lot to take in all at once, so give yourself some time and “Chunk” the information into small bits one task at a time.
And before you know it, sharing your eBrochure every campaign will get easier and easier. Your creativity will start to flow and you’ll find yourself coming up with even more ways to share your Avon eBrochure just like a true Online Beauty Boss!
Have fun and if you have questions, comments or additional tips, by all means leave it in the comments area below!
And if you think this “How To” will inspire other Avon Beauty Bosses please share it and also invite them to join our group!

If you found these tips helpful feel free to Comment, Like, and Share with other Avon Reps who might find this helpful.
© Copyright Online Beauty Bosses - Dianne Hernandez. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files or images may be republished to any website, blog, eBook etc. without prior written permission. Please feel free to share with other Avon Representatives, or Avon Employees on Social Media so long as the content is complete, not edited, and the Online Beauty Bosses logo and contact information has not been altered, and source is referenced.