Hey Online Beauty Bosses! I know we can all relate to this . . . how many times have you come across an Avon offer and got so excited about it you just couldn’t wait to share with everyone!! Ha! I get like this almost every campaign!
So what’s the best way to get the word out? How are your efforts going to be the most effective and reach the customers who are more likely to take you up on your amazing offer?
The Answer:
When it comes to “marketing” whether it’s offline or online this is a good question you should ask yourself first:
“Who is your audience and who would be interested in this offer?”
Answering these questions will give you direction on what to say and how to promote your offer, especially online. Now sometimes an offer may have a broader reach and others might be smaller but by asking yourself this question first will help you niche out your audience to reach more buying customers!
For today’s example, we’ll be using Avon’s amazing Haiku Reflections offer that just came out in Campaign 14 (2017). This offer will be available until Campaign 16 so you’ll have plenty of time to try out the tips offered. But if you’ve come across this article later the following tips can also be used for any other offer you want to promote as well.

Promoting your Avon offers online is actually pretty easy. The more challenging part is coming up with a creative post.
When it comes to posting images, ideally a personal picture taken of the products or of yourself using the products can be more engaging, but if you don’t have the products on hand or if you have time limitations, you can always use a product image from your Avon eStore or from the Social Media Center.
Whatever kind of image you decide to post the important thing is to always be authentic and unique. Your image may be generic but what you say doesn’t have to be. Remember who your target audience is and try to add some value to the content by adding a personal element to the post.
Sharing why you love the product, why it’s such a great deal, a testimony or personal experience will engage your customers a lot more than just saying “On sale at my eStore!”
You never want to sound desperate for sales on your posts either, but you should have some kind of “Call To Action” whether it’s to visit a page, view the product or offer page at your eStore, or to contact you personally.
How to Target Your Online Audience
Now that you’ve created “the best post ever”, you’ll want to maximize your exposure by using #hashtags. Hashtags are simply keywords that help identify the topic or theme of your post.
When you add a # sign before these words they become hashtags that will increase your chances to be seen.

So for our Haiku Collection offer adding #hashtags like #Fragrance #FragranceLover #FragranceOfTheDay #AvonHaiku #AvonFragrance will target people who are searching for that topic or have added these interests onto their profile. Now you may be asking yourself,
How Do I KNOW which hashtags to use?
I know it can be overwhelming and even a mystery knowing what people are looking for!
When I first learned about hashtags I also had no idea how to use them or how to find those catchy phrases I saw on Instagram & Twitter. So I did a little Google research . . . and even the pages I found explaining hashtags for beginners was confusing!
Luckily I came across a very simple way to find relevant hashtags for my Social Media posts. There are plenty of other ways to find hashtags but this method has really worked for me and has helped increase my followers and customers on my social media channels!
I use Instagram! If you’re currently using Instagram great, but if not, I encourage you sign up for a free account. If you’re new to Instagram don’t worry about how to post images just yet, what I want to show you today is how to find those elusive hashtags that are going to boost your social media viewers for maximum results. Here’s how:
Step 1: Think of an obvious keyword.
First you’ll want to think of a very general word that describes your posts topic. Using our Haiku example an obvious words would be “Fragrance”, “Perfume”, “Scent” etc.
Step 2: Enter it into the Instagram Search Box
Enter the generic keyword into the Instagram Search with a hashtag before it.
Step 3: Discover New Hashtags!
Instagram will give you a list of popular hashtags related to the word you entered with the number of times it’s been used! You’ll want to select the most relevant and most popular hashtags (the ones with the highest number). Make sure you check the hashtags you’re interested in to make sure they are not used for something else that might target another country, are irrelevant, or distasteful. You can do this simply by clicking the link in the results list.
You can use this search method for ANY post topic or theme, you’ll be amazed how many new hashtags you’ll find. So be creative when thinking of your general keywords and try to think of different words that would describe your post and enter those in as well.
You can use Hashtags on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Pinterest, and Linkedin to name the most popular social media sites, but hashtags are so popular now many other social channels have integrated them into their search as well.
Getting The Word Out There!
Once you come up with your post & add your hashtags you’ll want to cross promote your offer on ALL your social media profiles. Share onto every social channel you belong to!
If you have a blog, create a blog post about the offer and then share that blog post on all your social media channels as well, this is in addition to the other posts.
Find out how to Create your Own Avon Blog!
And lastly . . . One Final Tip!
Another thing to keep in mind, especially if you’re posting on your personal Facebook profile or other personal profiles, make sure to set your post to PUBLIC otherwise no one outside your personal circle of friends will be reached regardless of your hashtags!
Have fun posting and feel free to Like, Comment & Share if you found these tips helpful! 😉 !

© Copyright Online Beauty Bosses - Dianne Hernandez. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files or images may be republished to any website, blog, eBook etc. without prior written permission. Please feel free to share with other Avon Representatives, or Avon Employees on Social Media so long as the content is complete, not edited, and the Online Beauty Bosses logo and contact information has not been altered, and source is referenced.