Hello Online Beauty Bosses! In this How-To we’re going to talk about a key element that every Online Beauty Boss should be doing. In fact, whether you’re online or offline this activity should not be over looked! 

Watch This Video for complete details on:
How To Increase Your Avon Customer Base For Online Sales

This video has been edited from a previous Facebook Live over at the OnlineBeautyBosses facebook Group.

Does This Sound Familiar To You?

Maybe you’ve heard other reps express this or you yourself have felt this way one time or another. If so, then the issue maybe focusing too much on getting the sale.

You may be overlooking this one IMPORTANT Online Marketing Step.

For many, the leap from a social media post to your Avon Online Store just might be too much of a stretch!

But, presenting your Social Media Audience with an incentive they can’t refuse in exchange for their contact info, well that’s more doable and will help bridge the gap to your online store.

Here’s how it works:

  • You present an offer to potential customers. It could be valuable info, something free, a promo code, a service, whatever you want.

  • Customer is intrigued and gladly takes you up on your offer by providing their email address as well as any other info you request.

  • They have now been added to your email list!

  • You keep them in the Avon Loop with Avon’s automated emails as well as your own personal emails .

  • Potential customer gets acquainted with you as their Avon Rep

  • They warm up to you and Avon and eventually make a purchase
  • "An IMPORTANT Online Marketing Step is Building Your List!"

    Why Building Your List Is IMPORTANT

    The list” for any Online Marketer, and that’s you Online Beauty Boss, should be the core of your business as this is going to help you generate sales.

    In fact, it’s all about the list. This list is a combination of customers and potential customers who have shown interest in what you have to offer.

    This list helps build relationship and it helps warm up customers to eventually make that purchase, whether it’s a first time or repeat purchase over at your online store. So as an Avon Representative, your goal should be to continue adding people to your contact list every campaign because the bigger your list, the more potential your sales will grow!

    With that said, all the activities you do to promote your Avon business whether it’s posting to social media, creating videos, blogging (if you have a blog), creating a Facebook Note, passing out brochures, vending events etc, the ultimate result should be to add those visitors and followers to your list. Primarily your Avon List and secondary to your personal list. If not, you’re losing out on a huge opportunity and letting potential customers get away.

    How To Get People To Sign Up To Your List

    Presenting a Special Offer or what the online marketing world calls a LEAD MAGNET will motivate potential customers to share their contact info with you more freely. So how do you get their info? By using an online form that prospects need to complete before getting your offer.

    Create Online Forms To Share Special Offers!

    In the video shared at the top of the page, it will show you step-by-step how to easily create a free form with Mail Chimp. This is the form you’ll use with your Special Offer. You can then share the form link along with your offer onto any of your Social Media feeds or wherever you can post a link!

    Special Offers & Lead Magnet Examples

    Now that you have your Mail Chimp form created and ready to receive potential customer info, your ready to share an offer they can’t refuse! The type of offer you share is all up to you but the more enticing it is and more value it has the better! With a little creativity your list will start growing and potentially so will your Avon sales! Once you decide on the offer then all you have to do is post it on Social Media along with an image and the link to your MailChimp form!

    With that said here are a few examples of the kind of offers you can share to motivate prospects to sign up.

    Promo Code Offer:

    Offer a WELCOME promo code along with future promo codes with sign up.

    Informative information (Skin Care or Wellness Quiz)

    Avon has already done the work for you! All you have to do is get their info and have your form redirect them to the quiz over at your Avon Online Store! View the video for details.

    Pre-Launch Notifications

    When Avon is about to launch a new product, offer an early bird notification so prospects can get their product as soon as it comes out. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) works great when it comes to Avon Holiday items. Especially as these items have a tendency to sell out quick!

    Offering a Free Sample or Gift with purchase can be a real motivator.

    Offer A Brochure

    People still love getting Avon’s paper brochure and offering the full or even the small Campaign Flyers could encourage that sign up!


    Our Avon Sweeps has a lead capture feature already. You can view participants info in the Prospects Center over at Avon Social from your Avon Dashboard. Check out Tips on How To Get The Most Out Your Avon Giveaways over at the group’s Units Section

    Don’t Forget The Follow-Up!

    As mentioned, the kind of offer you share is all up to you and how creative you can be. But regardless of what offer you decide to share, once your list starts to grow, make sure you follow up with these leads and contact them regularly. You’ll want to add them to your Avon Address Book over at your AvonNow Dashboard so Avon can start sending their emails, and also, your own personal address book.

    Using MailChimp to manage your Avon contacts and emails can be very helpful, so even if you have a small list now, I still suggest creating a free account and get used to using it regularly. Because, it might be small now but if you’re consistent and focus on continue building your list it will start to grow over time.

    Share How to Acheive Your Avon Goals

    If you found these tips helpful feel free to Comment, Like, and Share with other Avon Reps who might find this helpful.

    Online Beauty Bosses Copyright

    © Copyright Online Beauty Bosses - Dianne Hernandez. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files or images may be republished to any website, blog, eBook etc. without prior written permission. Please feel free to share with other Avon Representatives, or Avon Employees on Social Media so long as the content is complete, not edited, and the Online Beauty Bosses logo and contact information has not been altered, and source is referenced.

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