Hello Online Beauty Bosses! In this "How To" I thought I’d share a free app that I started using when I first became an Avon Rep several years ago.
Back then having a business line separate from my personal phone number was important to me. I didn’t want to mix business with personal and wanted to answer customer calls in a specific way. I also wanted to have a personal Avon message for customers if I missed their call.
Watch This Video for complete details on:
How To Get A Free Dedicated Phone Number For Your Avon Business!
This video has been edited from a previous Facebook Live over at the OnlineBeautyBosses facebook Group.
But just starting Avon I didn’t have the budget to purchase a business line with the features I wanted. So I searched the internet and found Google Voice!
It had everything I needed! I still use it today and as my business has grown I appreciate the App even more.
Google Voice is a free service and it allows you to have your own dedicated phone number for your Avon Business! You can download the app on all your devices (Desktop, Android or IOS) so you’ll never miss a call text or voicemail… unless of course you want to.
Google Voice Features

This phone app is so extensive that even though I’ve been using it since 2010 when I first became an Avon Rep, I still find new features I wasn’t aware of!
With Google Voice you can
• Get a Free Phone Number
• Call, Text and Receive Voicemail.
• Text from both your computer or mobile device
• Read your voicemail and search through it like email
So in this How-To we’ll go over the features and then how to set it up.And for more details about how to get Google Voice and set it up, you can check out the Video at the top of the page!
A Free Phone Number for Life!

With Google Voice you can select your very own phone number either by city or area code.
Once you select your new phone number you can attach it to your mobile number so calls can be forwarded directly to you. You can also use the number to call out using your mobile phone.
Customers on the receiving end will only see your Google Voice number, not your personal phone number.
Texting with Google Voice

Though the Voicemail feature is what initially sold me, months later when I discovered I could also text, it was an added bonus and I use this feature all the time! You can use the app to send texts along with images directly from your laptop or your mobile device and also receive texts from customers.
Receiving Voicemail

With the voicemail feature you can set up a customized greeting for your Avon customers when you can’t answer calls. Voice messages are then transcribed into text so you can read them via the Google Voice app. You can also set the app to have your voice messages emailed to you.
Another voicemail feature I recently discovered, is you can choose different voicemail greetings for different groups! So you can assign one greeting for customers and another greeting for your downline.
Customizing and Getting Started

Now although Google Voice is an extensive app, setting it all up is relatively easy if you know where to find things. In the above video I’ll show you where to find the Settings options for calls, texts & voicemails.
Google also offers help from their website which I found easy to follow, you can visit the Google Voice Help pages here.
Well I hope this quick overview has inspired you to check out Google Voice and if you have questions or would like to share your own experience with the app feel free to share in the comments below!

If you found these tips helpful feel free to Comment, Like, and Share with other Avon Reps who might find this helpful.
© Copyright Online Beauty Bosses - Dianne Hernandez. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files or images may be republished to any website, blog, eBook etc. without prior written permission. Please feel free to share with other Avon Representatives, or Avon Employees on Social Media so long as the content is complete, not edited, and the Online Beauty Bosses logo and contact information has not been altered, and source is referenced.