Want to take your images to the next level and get your customers attention?

How about posting your very own custom Gifs!

So what exactly is a gif? It’s simply an image file that supports animated images.

Simply put a .gif is sort of like a slide show. Gifs have become very popular on social media because the movement in the image draws more attention to the post.

This is great way to promote your Avon products, and creating your own custom gifs is fairly simple. All you’re doing is adding a couple or a series of images to a file to create a 1 minute or less slideshow.

Creating your own custom .gifs to promote your Avon business or products is easy and even easier when created through the FREE GIPHY app.

Here are couple of “GIPHY’S” I created with the app. 


​These literally took only a few minutes to make!


So are you ready to get creative and give this a try? Here’s how to make your own animated gifs!

First you’ll need to either download or create a couple of images for your animation. Quick Note: It might be easier and you might have more success if you use a desktop or laptop rather than a mobile device.

You can use product images from your Avon eStore, pictures you’ve taken yourself or even create your own images just using words. The possibilities are only limited to your imagination.

Using a free image editor like Pixlr, Canva or Pizap will help you edit your images and also allow you to add headlines and captions onto your graphics.

Once you create your images then all you do is upload them to the “GIPHY” app and you instantly have an animate GIF to share on your social media profiles! 


​Just upload your slides to Giphy.com

How to animate image

​Giphy is super easy to use and creating a custom animation can be done in just a few easy steps!

1) First you’ll need to CREATE AN ACCOUNT over at www.Giphy.com

2) Then click the CREATE BUTTON at the top of the page.


​3) Select the CHOOSE PHOTO OR GIF option to upload your images into the app.


​4) Adjust Settings Once you select your images from your drive you’ll be taken to the next screen:


A. Adjust the image duration 
I usually use 0.5 seconds if I have several image slides. But if I have let’s say a quote, I might allow a longer time frame. It’s a matter of preference so just play around with it to see what works best for your image.

One thing to keep in mind, Gifphy’s have a time limitation so the more slides you have the shorter time frame you’ll need to choose in order for the slides to stay within the time limitation. That you’ll also have to play around with to see what works best.

B. How To Add More Images To Your Animation
If you want to add more images then just click the Browse Files button.

For full details on how to great a GIPHY you can view their How To here

5) You can SHARE YOUR NEW GIF directly from the app or download it to your computer.

To share your new animation on the Mission Monday post in our Online Beauty Bosses Group, just click the “Copy Link” shown in the image below then copy the “Gif Link” and post the link in the comments section.

For additional help on how to create with Giphy you can take a look at their help info here.

OK, Online Beauty Bosses, have fun creating and if you found these tips helpful feel free to Like & Share or make a comment! And if you decide to give making your own animations a try, feel free to share and let us know how it went.

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Online Beauty Bosses Copyright

© Copyright Online Beauty Bosses - Dianne Hernandez. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files or images may be republished to any website, blog, eBook etc. without prior written permission. Please feel free to share with other Avon Representatives, or Avon Employees on Social Media so long as the content is complete, not edited, and the Online Beauty Bosses logo and contact information has not been altered, and source is referenced.

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