Hello Online Beauty Bosses! Although building your online presence goes beyond Facebook it’s still one of the most popular social media platforms for business so I thought we could go over a few tips that might help when it comes to sharing your Avon Business.
Watch This Video for complete details on:
A Facebook Business Page Checklist For Avon Reps
This video has been edited from a previous Facebook Live over at the OnlineBeautyBosses facebook Group.
Now let’s talk about your expectations and what you can realistically expect from your business page.
There’s a common misconception when it comes to Facebook. People often think when they create a business page and add a couple of posts there will be a flood of new customers with lots of online sales only to be disappointed when no one has come to visit.
Sadly, this isn’t how it works. You’ll be lucky if you get one or two customers if even that.
Mainly because Facebook seldom includes Business Page posts in the feed, even if someone has liked your page. So even though you may have lots of page likes and followers, unless your posts are boosted (for a fee) only a handful of fans will see your post.
So what’s an Avon Rep to do? What good is having a Facebook Business page if no one is going to see it! Why should you go through the trouble of making one?
Well there are a couple of reasons. You can think of it this way. You could consider your Business page as your virtual calling card.
A place where you can send current and potential customers to find out more about you. A place where they can get to know YOU and your Avon Business a little more.

Think of it like an extension to your business card. When you hand your business card out, besides your contact info there isn’t much there to make a personal connection. That’s only the first step but if you invite them to check out your Facebook Business page this will add another layer of trust which will increase the chances of them becoming a loyal customer.

In this “How To” we won’t go over how to get Facebook followers but you can find out how to do this over at the Facebook Note: How to Get More Avon Customers to Connect with You on Facebook.
So now that you’ve created your page and your inviting friends, family, customers and potential customers to visit, here are 10 additional things you can do to make their visit worthwhile and more inviting.

- Add a Profile & Your Cover Photo
- Add A Facebook Button
- Create Your About Me /About Business Note
- Add the “Services” Feature
- Add Customer Reviews
- Set Up Messenger Reply’s & Button on posts
- Add A YouTube Tab
- Add an Instagram Tab
- Use your Facebook Notes
- Add pictures and/or video of yourself
For instructions on how to add each feature just watch the video at the top of the page.
1) Add A Facebook Profile & Cover Image

Adding a Facebook Profile & Cover image should go without saying but I figured since it’s all part of creating a better connection it should be mentioned. Your profile and cover should be Avon related. The more creative you can get with these two images the better.
2) Add A Facebook Button

The Facebook “Call to Action” button is a quick easy way to invite customers to “Shop With You”, “Contact You”, “Set An Appointment” or “Get More Info”. You can decide which action you would like your viewers to take.
3) Create Your About Me /About Business Note

The About Note is a fairly new feature that could very well be one of the most important features you’ll want to add. This feature allows you to write an inviting note to your viewers about you and your Avon business so they can get to know you better.
4) Add the “Services” Feature

The Facebook Services Feature allows you to highlight the Avon services you provide to your customers. You can add an image and a quick blurb limited to 200 characters. Although you can’t add any links, highlighting your services will give viewers more insight about you and your business.
5) Add Customer Reviews

A positive review rating from customers is a great way to gain trust. When visitors can read other customer’s experiences, not only does it give them an idea of how you run your Avon business but it can also be the motivating force that encourages them to shop with you.
6) Set Up Messenger Auto Reply’s & Buttons

Facebook Messenger allows a quick and easy way for viewers to contact you. The more opportunities you provide for customers to connect the better, as it implies you are readily available.
You can also set up your messenger to send a custom “auto response” when customers contact you.
7) Add A YouTube Tab

Do you have a YouTube Account? Showcase your YouTube videos by adding a YouTube Facebook tab. Facebook visitors can easily view your Avon Product Reviews and Campaign Highlight videos without leaving Facebook. This will also give them more insight to your business and to you as an Avon Rep, strengthening the connection.
Add YouTube Tab here:
8) Add An Instagram Tab

If you have an Instagram account and it includes selfies and images of yourself using Avon products, then by all means add an Instagram tab as well!Add Instagram Tab here:
9) Use your Facebook Notes

If you don’t have a blog or even if you do, using Facebook notes is a great way to highlight the current catalog or share product information and reviews. Your goal here is to present yourself as an Avon Rep who is knowledgeable and someone you would want to shop with.

For tips on how to use Facebook Notes you can visit the Online Beauty Bosses Note on “How to Use Facebook As Your Avon Blog” here.
10) Add Pictures / Video Of Yourself

Including pictures of yourself throughout your timeline gives visitors the impression you’re around and not hiding behind the page. Not only do they want to know who they’ll be shopping with but it also implies your present and will be available when they need you. Keep in mind the more your visitors see and hear you the more they’ll feel like they know you.
Well I hope this gives you a better perspective about your Facebook Business Page and how it can be used not only as a sales tool but a way for customers to get to know you a better.
Focusing on your page as a whole, by implementing these 10 features will make for a better visitor experience and could help create a better connection.
Because now your page is more about what you can offer them (benefits of your services) rather what you can get from them (a purchase).
And once you build that customer trust then your “Buy From Me” posts will be received more openly.

If you found these tips helpful feel free to Comment, Like, and Share with other Avon Reps who might find this helpful.
© Copyright Online Beauty Bosses - Dianne Hernandez. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files or images may be republished to any website, blog, eBook etc. without prior written permission. Please feel free to share with other Avon Representatives, or Avon Employees on Social Media so long as the content is complete, not edited, and the Online Beauty Bosses logo and contact information has not been altered, and source is referenced.