Hey Online Beauty Bosses, have you ever procrastinated on something then found yourself jumping at the very last minute to take action? If so, you’re not alone, especially when it comes to a special deal or offer that’s getting ready to expire. All of sudden we go from having plenty of time to having to scramble before time runs out. Why, because of FOMO!!!
FOMO is the Fear Of Missing Out!
It happens to all of us, we don’t want to miss out, including our Avon customers. They want to take advantages of savings but sometimes they have to be reminded that time is running out. This is where FOMO comes into play. It’s helped increase my online sales so I’m sure it can help yours as well.
Watch This Video for complete details on:
How To Boost Your Avon Sales Online With FOMO
This video has been edited from a previous Facebook Live over at the OnlineBeautyBosses facebook Group.
In the above video it mentions Black Friday because the live video was recorded during the holidays but “FOMO” can be used any time of year for any limited time offer.
In fact, right now as I write this, for a limited time Avon is offering Free Membership to become a representative So, this is a perfect time to use FOMO for recruiting!
Here’s an example on how to use FOMO when sharing an Avon Offer.

You can use FOMO for any limited time Avon offer like Free Gift with Purchase, Discount Promo Codes and Free Shipping (whenever they become available), Recruiting Incentives, etc.
Here are three ways to you can use FOMO to get customers to take action
1) Sign up Forms

In a previous “How To” we talked about using sign up forms with Mail Chimp. In this case FOMO would be used to motivate customers to sign up for an incentive. You could say something like Don’t miss out” or “Limited Time” in the sign up box to create a sense of urgency.
2) Last Call Emails

In an another Online Beauty Bosses “How To” we went over tips on which is basically sending out two e-mails to your Avon customer list. One email early in the morning and a second email in the late afternoon to those who didn’t open the first one.
NOTE: Last Call emails can be used for any limited time offer that’s expiring.
You can use Mail Chimp or any other email service for stats on who opened your email but if you aren’t using a mail service you should still go ahead send out that second “Last Call” message because reminding your customers time is running out does work!

Countdown timers can add a visual layer to the urgency that time is running out. They can be used in social media posts, emails and for those of you with a blog there too.
With that said I have a BONUS for you. I have some “Giphy Timers” that can be used on your Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter accounts as well as in your e-mails.
DOWNLOAD Your Timers :

Watch the video above at the 14:20 mark for instructions on how to download the Bonus Timers.
In addition to the timers shown in the video above, you’ll also find the “Join Avon For Free” timer there as well. And you can also visit this page for tips on How to Create Your Own Last Call Timer.
So, there you go Online Beauty Bosses, three ways you can use urgency to increase your online sales and for recruiting. I hope these tips stir up ideas for your next limited time offer and helps bring in more FOMO action!

If you found these tips helpful feel free to Comment, Like, and Share with other Avon Reps who might find this helpful.
© Copyright Online Beauty Bosses - Dianne Hernandez. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files or images may be republished to any website, blog, eBook etc. without prior written permission. Please feel free to share with other Avon Representatives, or Avon Employees on Social Media so long as the content is complete, not edited, and the Online Beauty Bosses logo and contact information has not been altered, and source is referenced.